Stellar Additives
Stellar Additives Limited is an Independent Specialist and supplies several Fuel Additives that have been proven to improve and increase fuel efficiency by c. 4% to 10% whilst also reducing Carbon, Noxious gas emissions (NOx) and Particulate emissions.
We specialise in Fuel Borne Catalyst (FBC) based additives to be supplied to large organisations and businesses. These FBC’s promote a more efficient burn of your fuel in the combustion chamber by lowering the combustion temperature, thus giving a proven net effect for the end user of being able to run diesel engines Cheaper, Cleaner & Longer.
We provide a choice of additives, which allows you to select the type of product best suited to your industry, application and organisation. With our sourcing of products (both unique and standard), we are able to be balanced in helping you find the very best solution for you.
We supply our own branded additives along with other premium proven additives, developed by highly qualified scientists from the top laboratories in the world, to meet our clients varied & challenging needs.

Segments which currently view the opportunities as motivating include: marine, mining, rail, road, power generation, and large fleets to name a few.
Our independence enables us to put into practice our belief that personal service, attention to detail and friendliness are not incompatible with professionalism and success in an increasingly more complex market.
Contact us to see how, if like others, we can help you to significantly reduce diesel fuel & maintenance costs, whilst improving Environmental credentials. Please refer to our Contact Page, let us know of your specific enquiry and provide us with your questions and details.
Our Mission
Our mission, as an Independent Fuel Borne Catalyst and Additive Supplier, is to be the fuel industries first choice when determining the most environmentally and cost-effective additive for use by all major diesel users. We aim to grow through long-term customer partnerships and by:
- continuously learning and sharing our knowledge in order to improve the air quality, environment and safety of all.
- maintaining positive relationships with the laboratories that develop the additives and supporting their innovation in this area.
- proactively working to meet legislative changes in the fuel arena as we believe our client’s success is our success.
- being open and transparent with its employees, customers and stakeholders.
- having the highest reliability.
- having qualified and experienced team members who listen to our client’s need and are the easiest people to deal with.